Supporting this village gives hope to over 180 children in need
Faced with a life on the street where drug dealing and stealing are often the only means of survival, life is difficult for many orphaned and abandoned children. SOS Children’s Village Bogota is just one of five SOS Children’s Villages in Colombia. The country has been ravaged by decades of conflict, drug cartels and human rights violations. The average daily income is about £4, less than a tenth of the UK daily income.
22 SOS Mothers giving affection and education
22 family homes provide children with a new mum, brothers and sisters. Children have the chance to learn carpentry and dressmaking as they become older, which helps them develop a profession and encourages their creativity. The village has a vegetable plot and bakery which provide all the SOS families with food. Two SOS Social Centres support over 250 street children by providing them with food and shelter. The children also receive lessons and classes – for many this is their first experience of going to school. The chances of children being abandoned are reduced by the opportunities given to over 70 mothers who can learn new skills to help them provide for their children.
Sponsoring gives children in need a family, a home and security
Supporting our work with street children and young mothers makes for a brighter future. Sponsoring enables SOS Children’s Villages to care not only for children at the Village but children in the community. The work of the Social Centre and the Village means that children have access to education. They will learn the skills they need to become independent.