Today, more than ever, children urgently need your support. Orphans of war, abandoned at birth, orphaned through natural disaster or the victims of the hunger... the vulnerable children of the world need you.
- In the poorest countries one child out of every six dies before their fifth birthday
- 90 million children suffer from serious malnutrition
- More than 140 million children aged seven to 18 years have never gone to school
- 1.8 million children are victims of civil wars
- 15 million children lost a parent in 2003

For over sixty years SOS Children has cared for orphaned and abandoned children. Without SOS who would be there to wipe the tears of young children? Giving children the chance to grow up together as part of an SOS family, they can be secure in their childhood…Today, SOS Children is the world’s largest orphan charity. Present in over 125 countries we have over 450 SOS Children’s Villages on four continents.

A real life family where orphaned and abandoned children have the love and trust of a mother – their SOS Mother. A new mum will help them fulfil their potential, and create confidence. Children can grow up in their own culture, with their own religion and traditions. In order to preserve the emotional ties which link them and which will enable them to weave the thread of a new life, natural brothers and sisters are not separated. Children can find love, tenderness and the safety of a family life, an education and health care until they are independent.