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The following pages on the English Wikipedia link to this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
- Electron
- Electroweak interaction
- Hydrogen atom
- Nature
- Physics
- Quantum mechanics
- User:FlorianMarquardt
- Wave function
- Fock state
- Quantum state
- Vacuum expectation value
- Schwinger model
- Partition function (quantum field theory)
- Local quantum field theory
- Quantum turbulence
- Quantum gauge theory
- Slater-type orbital
- Gaussian orbital
- Paschen series
- Many-body problem
- Pure state
- Two interfering electron wave-packets
- Excited state
- Azimuthal quantum number
- Schrödinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality
- Relativistic wave equations
- Swampland
- Spin foam
- Quantum electronics
- Faddeev-Popov ghost
- Infrared fixed point
- Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism
- Ashtekar variables
- Quantum geometry
- Singlet
- Schwinger's variational principle
- Braid statistics
- Roothaan equations
- Bound state
- One-loop Feynman diagram
- Tadpole (physics)
- Correlation function (quantum field theory)
- Cutoff
- Infrared divergence
- Ultraviolet divergence
- Fermi's interaction
- Moduli
- Haag's theorem
- Adiabatic theorem
- Wikipedia:Today's featured article/August 1, 2004
- Wikipedia:Today's featured article/August 2004
- Rotational transition
- Quantum vibration
- Vibrational transition
- Hamiltonian constraint
- Euclidean quantum gravity
- Lattice QCD
- Charge qubit
- Mass gap
- Quantum field theory in curved spacetime
- Multiple histories
- Cluster decomposition theorem
- Open quantum system
- Einselection
- Ferrimagnetic interaction
- Universal quantum simulator
- Current algebra
- Quantum coherence
- User:
- Bargmann's limit
- Pilot wave
- Extended supersymmetry
- Adiabatic process (quantum mechanics)
- Regge theory
- Quantum cosmology
- Cat state
- Pariser–Parr–Pople method
- Wheeler-deWitt equation
- Proca action
- Born probability
- Quantum wire
- Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity
- Gravitational anomaly
- Gauge anomaly
- Mixed anomaly
- Global anomaly
- Coleman-Mandula theorem
- Soft SUSY breaking
- Stochastic vacuum model
- Vertex function
- CCR and CAR algebras
- Dyson series
- BF model
- Composite field
- Crystal momentum
- Vacuum manifold
- Rarita-Schwinger equation
- Parity anomaly
- Schwinger function
- Sphaleron
- Complete set of commuting observables
- Fermion doubling
- Vacuum angle
- Quantum 1/f noise
- Two-state quantum system
- Relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution
- Superconducting quantum computing
- Orbital motion (quantum)
- Davisson-Germer experiment
- Operator product expansion
- Quantum history
- Schrödinger-Newton equations
- Scaling limit
- Critical dimension
- Self-energy
- Crossing symmetry
- Pauli-Villars regularization
- Dimensional regularization
- Dual superconducting model
- Vacuum polarization
- Doublet (physics)
- Four-fermi interaction
- Weinberg angle
- Banks-Zaks fixed point
- Gluon condensate
- Radion
- Gribov ambiguity
- Quantum tomography
- Few-body systems
- Multi-configurational self-consistent field
- Quantum degeneracy
- History of quantum field theory
- Pseudopotential
- Meron
- Wu-Yang monopole
- Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace
- Qubit Field Theory
- Car-Parrinello method
- AM1
- PM3 (chemistry)
- Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
- Duru-Kleinert transformation
- Time-dependent density functional theory
- Seiberg duality
- Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
- F-term
- D-term
- Vector superfield
- Montonen-Olive duality
- Superfield
- Nielsen-Olesen vortex
- Sigma model
- QCD string
- UV fixed point
- Quantum register
- Large gauge transformation
- Wess-Zumino model
- Superconformal algebra
- Rational conformal field theory
- Feynman parametrization
- Gross-Neveu model
- Schwinger parametrization
- (-1)F
- Witten index
- Quantum flavordynamics
- Primary field
- Resummation
- Anomalous magnetic dipole moment
- Spin tensor
- Algebraic holography
- Staggered fermion
- Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory
- Fusion rules
- Conformal family
- Planck postulate
- Classical scaling dimension
- Quenched approximation
- Diffeomorphism constraint
- GlueX
- Controlled NOT gate
- Vafa-Witten theorem
- IR/UV mixing
- Expectation value (quantum physics)
- Central field approximation
- P-form electrodynamics
- Lewis pair
- Klein paradox
- Quantum defect
- PQS (chemical)
- Template:Quantum-stub
- 't Hooft operator
- Thirring model
- Direct quantum chemistry
- Quadratic configuration interaction
- Generalized valence bond
- Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
- Restricted Open-shell Hartree-Fock
- Zero-differential overlap
- Davidson correction
- Custodial symmetry
- Central charge
- Kochen-Specker theorem
- Correspondence rules
- Optical lattice
- Conductance quantum
- Bosenova
- Repulsive force
- Canonical general relativity
- Quantum metrology
- Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state
- W state
- Doppler cooling
- Born rule
- Identical
- Haag-Lopuszanski-Sohnius theorem
- First quantization
- Semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods
- Fourier pair
- User:MikeMorley/Fermi's golden rule
- Pauli group
- Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computing
- Squeeze operator
- Quantum Critical Point
- Superghost
- Holevo's theorem
- Intersubband Polaritons
- Nonclassical light
- Optical equivalence theorem
- Glauber-Sudarshan P-Representation
- Jaynes-Cummings model
- De Haas-van Alphen effect
- Talk:Physics/wip/development article
- User:Tmcsheery/rewrite of Physics
- KOALA - Quasi Laue Diffractometer
- NOON state
- Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics
- Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation
- Quantum cloning
- User:Ravedave/ElmParticletest
- Template talk:Infobox Particle
- Zero sound
- Translational partition function
- Institute for Quantum Computing
- Loss-DiVincenzo quantum computer
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Physics/Templates
- Gaussian quantum Monte Carlo
- Path integral Monte Carlo
- Reptation Monte Carlo
- 10th dimension
- User talk:Ancheta Wis/u
- Velo-Zwanziger problem
- 11th dimension