World Orphan Week

WOW (World Orphan Week) is your chance to help one more child. WOW has been launched as a campaign by SOS Children (the world's largest orphan charity) to help more orphans worldwide. It is the week to do your part for the plight of orphans worldwide, from thinking about whether you or your friends could sponsor a child to wearing a WOW wristband.
You can see our WOW website to find out more about the many ways you can support World Orphan Week on the 2nd to 8th October 2006.
A Brief Summary of WOW

SOS Children is the world’s largest orphan charity. We help orphaned or abandoned children to live in a loving, stable community with brothers, sisters and friends.
The numbers of orphaned and abandoned children needing our help is dramatically increasing. SOS Children launched World Orphan Week in October 2005 to help more children who have lost everything.
WOW - we really can make a difference.
What will you do to support World Orphan Week?
Why do we need World Orphan Week?
SOS Children looks after children who have lost their family through war, disease, famine and poverty. We give them a home and a family. We care for street children, AIDS orphans, child soldiers, child-headed families and vulnerable children through our outreach projects. HIV/AIDS, war, famine and poverty take parents and siblings from children, leaving them with nothing and no-one.
WOW in the Community
You can support WOW, lets work out how! Are you a member of a group such as Rotary or Women’s Institute?
You can see our events pages for details and advice.
Here are a few ideas to help you think about things you could do with your local community:
Hold a coffee morning
Put on a Quiz night in your local pub
Hold a village fete
Stage a play or concert in aid of WOW
Host a WOW party
WOW in Schools
We have lots of fun and interesting suggestions on our school fundraising pages to help schools support WOW while children learn.
WOW and Your Company
Get as many of your colleagues/employees as possible to donate 2 hours’ pay during WOW.
Have a work social evening or funday - everyone’s families invited to share the laughs!
Have a dress down day - or week!
Could your company support us in the run-up to WOW with practical gifts in kind?
You can see our WOW companies page for more ideas and advice.
Contact Us
Everyone can help. Contact us and we'll tell you how. Please email Mary Wolfe on or call the WOW team on 01223 365589.
Let's stop talking and actually do something today. WOW - together we really can make a difference!