Homepage > Buy WOW wrist bands to support SOS Children

Buy WOW wrist bands to support SOS Children

You can purchase WOW Wristbands from this secure page. You will require internet access to view the page and a debit or credit card to pay for the band/s. The wrist bands cost £1 each. Postage is 50p for up to 5 bands, £1 for 6 to 20 bands, £1.50 for 21 to 50 bands and £2 for 51 to 1000 bands.

Buying WOW Wristbands

If you have any queries, or would like to make a wrist band order over the phone, please call us on 01223 365589 or write to SOS Children, St Andrew's House, 59 St Andrew's Street, Cambridge CB2 3BZ.

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