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Libra.svg (281 × 235 pixel, file size: 1 KB, MIME type: image/svg+xml)
File links
The following pages on the English Wikipedia link to this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
- Aries (constellation)
- Aquarius (constellation)
- Constellation
- Capricornus
- Leo (constellation)
- Libra (constellation)
- Ophiuchus
- Pisces (constellation)
- Sagittarius (constellation)
- Scorpius
- Taurus (constellation)
- Virgo (constellation)
- Zodiac
- Cancer (constellation)
- Western astrology
- User:Kev
- User:Paul-L
- Sidereal astrology
- Hierarchy of angels
- User:84denniswong
- User:Abscissa
- Astrological sign
- Template:Zodiac
- User:Jaguara
- Alchemical symbol
- User:Drjt87
- User:The shaggy one
- User:Saga City
- User:Scott Gall
- User:HappyApple
- User:Candice
- User:Harmonica
- User:Nethilia
- User:Mayumashu
- User:Artvandelay
- User:Vav11
- Cardinal sign
- User:Edolen1
- User:Darranc
- User:Tigress Dawn
- User:Bennity
- User:Sputnikcccp
- User:Steve Eifert
- User:Diamantina
- User:Dankstick
- User:Illustir
- User:Evil Eye
- User:Macanese馬交人
- User:Alan Frize
- Aries (astrology)
- User:Lusanaherandraton
- Gemini (constellation)
- Leo (astrology)
- Cancer (astrology)
- Pisces (astrology)
- Scorpio (astrology)
- Taurus (astrology)
- User:Alex Coiro
- User:TheImpossibleMan
- Sagittarius (astrology)
- User:Singie
- User:Yuuki Mayuki
- User:Baboo
- User:Sagie
- User:Astinus
- User:Guifa
- User:WestJet
- User:Ouranos
- User:Arjay369
- User:Shigpit
- User:Oreos
- User:Sarz
- User:Remixed
- User:Jnelson09
- User:Reefsurfer226/oldpage
- User:AlexBadea
- User:Asteraki
- User:TotalSpaceshipGuy3
- User:Tarheelcoxn
- User:Dudewhiterussian
- User:Fanficgurl
- User:Anabanana459
- User:RockOn72
- User:Terrett101
- User:Simplea
- User:Evilfruit
- User:Mammalia/Userboxes
- User:Russoc4
- User:Skyes
- User:Rgawenda
- User:Jonathaneo
- User:UBX/Zodiac:Libra
- User:Callumm
- User:RJM
- User:Dan-kun
- User:Sylph
- User:Mydemand
- User:Necrogeist
- User:Genius00345
- User:Edraf
- User:Ali B05
- User:N W
- User:Willsketch
- User:Roger2dc
- User:Rawmustard
- User:Scottishchick
- User:Katsuhagi
- User:Bjardis
- User:Barrylocke
- User:Dawson
- User:Sakuyatech
- User:Scoreed
- User:Trosk
- User:Ceasap2
- User:Suraj vas
- User:Kaiser23
- User:Kumarhk
- User:Theaterfreak64/Userboxes
- User:Mishail
- User:Arianna
- User:Link702
- User:Porus
- User:Amanda Pachal
- User:Pomlove
- User:Kamatsu
- User:Freakasso
- User:Voriig Kye
- User:TsunamiWave7
- User:Iapetus
- User:Astharoth1
- User:Rouge
- User:Hotshotesquire
- User:Kc9eow
- User:Koori
- User:Cybertooth85
- User:Ionvs
- User:Splamo
- User:CoolerThanFridge
- User:Wongo31
- User:Exodio
- User:Lord Dracula
- User:WikiLeon/ubx
- Gemini (astrology)
- Virgo (astrology)
- Libra (astrology)
- Capricorn (astrology)
- Aquarius (astrology)
- User:The Helper S/My Userboxes
- User:Neodammerung
- User:Codlinsh
- User:GhostStalker
- User:Bennity/right
- User:Sjelgudinne
- User:Wikada
- User:The Updater
- User:Blazetiger16
- User:Shanie HK
- User:Ixistant
- User:ROC's Aias
- User:Frank0115932
- User:Tonyfuchs1019
- User:Dto1138
- User:Trimp
- User:DoctorWorm7
- User:Wikada/userboxes
- User:Mukhtar1
- User:Topherism
- User:Paddyohale
- User:Wildflower686
- User:Phydend
- User:Aetas-nex
- User:SZadeh
- User:Claire789987
- User:Tghe-retford/Userboxes
- User:Rhys 100
- User:Chris24
- User:Happycat93/Userboxes
- User:Ralf Loire
- User:Longbowe
- User:Sapphiretwilight
- User:Kumarhk/Userboxes
- User:Wikiwow
- User:AncientNova
- User:Sevenite
- User:Iamdalto
- User:Moesakaru
- User:Oreos/Template:Previous Userpage
- User:Adimallikarjunareddy
- User:Glennpicker
- User:Yannoire
- User:Ygrange
- User:TakeruKoushirou
- User:Sinman
- User:Transkar
- User:Ellemenopea
- User:IknowNothing
- User:Bct88
- User:DJLon
- User:Scottime
- User:Skyes/Side
- User:Jean seb
- User:LordSirus
- User:TKLM
- User:ToxicArtichoke
- User:Disavian/Userboxes
- User:Cracker jack
- User:ShadowSirenV
- User:Disavian/Userboxes/Bio
- User:Turkay
- User:UBX/Userboxes/Zodiac
- User:Rickyrab/Userboxes
- User:Disavian/Userboxes/Western Zodiac:Libra
- User:Dylankidwell/userboxes
- User:Robdav69
- User:QuasyBoy
- User:Oreos/User/Box
- User:LindsayLou
- User:Morpheos
- User:Kilraven
- User:Bluerfn
- User:Trampikey/userboxes
- User:Sigon
- User:Glasnt
- User:Mecu
- User:MengHuo
- User:He Who Is/Userboxes
- User:Eevensen
- User:Griggonator
- User:Ambicide
- User:Jeames
- User:Ixistant/Userboxes/
- User:Firehawk1717
- User:JoeBob
- Template:User Libra
- User:Polobird/Userbox Album
- User:Kymykaly
- User:Arentzen
- User:Zé da Silva
- User:Niele
- User:Tomorrow Never Knows
- User:Yayoirc
- User:Niele/personalia
- User:CasimirAngel
- User:Jmorphman
- User:ZhongHan/Userboxes
- User:Sweetgeorgiabrown
- User:Cortrex
- User:Jibbles/more userboxes
- User:Dcirish7
- User:Todd661
- User:RuyDiazdeVivar
- User:Jmbrock
- User:Astorknlam/Userboxes
- User:Wikipedian boy
- User:ForDorothy
- User:Samishra
- User:Xer
- User:Db1944
- User:Dragonscales
- User:MizeryRose
- User:Galactor213/Userboxes
- User:LeeNapier
- User:Marsbar man
- User:Dragonstrider
- User:USADude
- User:Debuskjt
- User:Reywas92/Userboxes
- User:Darkshadow2247
- User:Gustavo86
- User:0rsted
- User:Nishkid64/Userboxes
- User:HobbesPDX
- User:JeroenRoshi
- User:Dayn
- User:Marasama
- User:Alexjshank
- User:Gcmarino
- User:Zetko
- User:JaimeTrax
- User:Verdamondo
- User:Kamui99
- User:Stranger-in-the-future
- User:Rob Shanahan
- User:KYMYK
- User:Deonfjw
- User:Xumm1du
- User:Chiisa
- User:Weebiloobil
- User:Whytecypress/Personal Userboxes
- User:Vetten1952
- User:Zatarg
- User:Vesketh
- User:UBeR
- User:Yurei-eggtart
- Astrological symbols
- User:PHDrillSergeant/boxes
- User:Yajaec
- User:Cashew
- User:Cartoonmaster
- User:Chris24/SandboxUserbox
- User:Coocooforcocopuffs/userboxes
- User:Riis930
- User:DoubleD17
- User:Citizen Dick
- User:Nick4gwen
- User talk:Haz633
- User:Kaiti/Userboxen
- User:Ignatzmice
- User:Zolonox
- User:Achiwiki356
- User:Refuteku
- User:Atura
- User:Hunterthomasholloway
- User:Wraith32
- User:Rakeshsharma
- User:Wikada/Template:Userbox
- User:Thanach
- User:Thaimodz
- User:Dzerod
- User:Earthsprite
- User:Divs001
- User:Pinkpineapple
- User:Ashuduff
- User:Belovedfreak/Userboxes
- User:Neoarchon
- User:Grillo7
- User:Benosaurus
- User:Nived 90/User boxes
- User:EH101/userboxes
- User:Mijotoba
- User:Laverick Phoenix
- User:GravityFong/userboxes
- User:Sjones23
- User:Ldonna
- User:Kathypham
- User:Darhan
- List of United States Presidents by date of birth
- User:Aung Phyoe
- User:Charleenmerced
- User:Cocoaguy/User Info
- User:Emilyxlovesxyou
- User:UBeR/Userboxes
- User:Dmunkey
- User:Jaguarcy
- Wikipedia:Userboxes/Zodiac
- Template:User Zodiac Libra
- User:Arwen undomiel
- User:Cbeaudoin
- User:ShandraShazam
- User:Sukael
- User:Saber girl08/userboxen
- User:BurtonM
- User:SpiffyPinkUnicorn
- User:Emprovision
- User:Trif589
- User:Shortplaya
- User:Pokemonlover56
- User:Ms2050
- User:Undecidable person
- User:Gaitand92
- User:Lr4087/Userboxes