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Taurus.svg (225 × 235 pixel, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/svg+xml)
File links
The following pages on the English Wikipedia link to this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
- Aries (constellation)
- Aquarius (constellation)
- Constellation
- Capricornus
- Leo (constellation)
- Libra (constellation)
- Ophiuchus
- Pisces (constellation)
- Sagittarius (constellation)
- Scorpius
- Taurus (constellation)
- Virgo (constellation)
- Zodiac
- Cancer (constellation)
- Western astrology
- User:Zarggg
- Sidereal astrology
- Hierarchy of angels
- Astrological sign
- Template:Zodiac
- User:Tsynergy
- Alchemical symbol
- User:Cyberia23
- User:Cwolfsheep
- User:Nickj
- User:Zarjay
- User:Jh51681
- User:Zellin
- User:Gryffindor
- User:Chad1m
- User:Tyro
- User:Check two you
- User:Spiderboy
- User:DanielZimmerman
- User:Miketwo
- User:Ericorbit
- User:Adam Rock
- User:ApprenticeFan
- User:Ngetzpah
- User:IBook of the Revolution
- User:CronoDroid
- User:Anzuhan
- User:Wrathchild
- Aries (astrology)
- Gemini (constellation)
- Leo (astrology)
- Cancer (astrology)
- Pisces (astrology)
- Scorpio (astrology)
- Taurus (astrology)
- User:Dirtyliberal
- User:Jack Cain
- Sagittarius (astrology)
- User:Familyguyfan1990
- User:Bayerischermann
- User:Coil
- User:KL
- User:VigilancePrime
- User:Nmulder
- User:Matt107bghs
- User:Shaojian
- User:Jamie C
- User:SkinnerIJA
- User:AlexDitto
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- User talk:Cacao43
- User:DivineLady
- User:Hotwiki
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- User:Nsmith4658
- User:'Ivan
- User:Qwertysoup
- User:Bib47
- User:Vvill
- User:Schfiftythree628
- User:Berney
- User:Ciriii
- User:KureCewlik81
- User:Tyler.szabo
- User:Spaceriqui
- User:AdmiralMemo/UserBoxes
- User:QianHui
- User:UBX/Zodiac:Taurus
- User:Faya/Userboxes
- User:Freakazette
- User:Neshatian
- User:Stallions2010
- User:BSX98
- User:IAMTHEEGGMAN/userboxes
- User:WikipedianDog
- User:Neilmundy
- User:Hlynz
- User:Llamadog903
- User:Shir Khan/userboxes
- User:Masamunecyrus
- User:IharBury
- User:Djramey
- User:Morgan695/Userboxes
- User:Iamvered
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- User:Maj Kusanagi
- User:JesseLukeWalker
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- User:Tigerofdoom
- User:LaMenta3
- User:Cttrans266
- User:Tyciol/userboxes
- User:RasqualTwilight
- User:Zellin/Userboxes
- User:MusicMaker5376
- User:Perelly
- User:Vitruvian0
- User:Bmahoney
- User:Zdunne
- User:Curtis Autery
- User:Yuryu
- User:Rohitganguli/Userboxes
- User:GofG/UserPage
- User:Izret101
- User:Mikelikerice
- Gemini (astrology)
- Virgo (astrology)
- Libra (astrology)
- Capricorn (astrology)
- Aquarius (astrology)
- User:Ysw1987/Userboxes
- User:Otto eduard
- User:TaggedJC/AnnoyingBoxes
- User:IceColdKilla
- User:Wordtorembember
- User:Masamunecyrus/Boxes
- User:Shanem431l
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- User:Krakrjak
- User:Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
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- User:MC Squared/Userboxes
- User:Libertariandeist
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- User:Bottlegreen roses
- User:Lord revan
- User:In Vas Wis
- User:MgTurtle
- User talk:MattJones
- User:Crazy4metallica
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- User:Kokob
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- User:Imperator Honorius
- User:Ksax
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- User:FearTheFrail
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- User:Acolyte of Discord
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- User:Mfrazell
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- User:Zippokovich/Userboxes
- User:Gingaman
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- User:BrianZ
- User:Maelstromm
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- User:Mollsmolyneux/Even More userboxes
- User:Lumikuningatar
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- User:PurpleArty
- User:Asnallar
- User:Herwwiyal
- User:Age is me
- User:Secretaria
- User:Novaprospekt
- User:Wakefencer
- User:Disavian/Userboxes
- User:Disavian/Userboxes/Western Zodiac:Taurus
- User:Ivvan Cain
- User:Disavian/Userboxes/Bio
- User:UBX/Userboxes/Zodiac
- User:Andymatic
- User:Abernaki
- User:JFrosty
- User:Kamikaze*grl
- User:Rickyrab/Userboxes
- User:Richman271/Userboxes
- User:Sartaj beary/Userbox
- User:SimonD
- User:Pel99
- User:Hendrasembiring
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- User:Nick carson/Userboxes
- User:AndreasToerl
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- User:Azuran
- User:Stealth HR
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- User:Aafm
- User:Miss kat
- User:Narlee
- User:NeilEvans
- User:Cosmic Lad
- User:DeadEndRoad
- User:Forum User
- User:Forum User/Userboxes
- User:Timzor
- User:Iquander
- User:IStank
- User:Bobpalloona
- User:B alasdair
- User:Weatherman15
- User:Sadako No Deshi
- User:RhunWarrior
- User:Hankyeol/Babel
- User:Yiyun/me
- User:BrianZ/User/Userboxes
- User:Dimigw
- User:Oklahoman7
- User:Jugend
- User:Kidwiththehair
- User:Redtroll
- User:Pantufla
- User:Ashanthalas
- User:Tigabrian
- User:Arturo 7
- User:Bloke121
- User:Jlgong
- User:HAl
- User:Map42892
- User:TomGreen
- User:Superkeerby
- User:Brian1979/Userboxes
- User:Rubobostes
- User:Churba/Userboxes
- User:Arturo 7/Userbox/Zodiac:Taurus
- User:Zippy1981
- User:Crocodile barbecue
- User:Oroles
- User:Timberlax
- User:Tiago Heitor
- User:J.P.Lon
- User:Tirkaro
- User:Chrislk02
- User:Owlpostforever
- User:Fish1987
- User:Alvincura
- User:Neoyamaneko
- User:Mayteng
- User:Jpurdes
- User:Rabbit princess
- User:FashionGurl
- User:Disinclination
- User:Lkc159
- User:Crion
- User:Urrgh5591
- User:Thai history 0102
- User:Arjun1591
- User:MelicansMatkin
- User:989 RVD
- User:CSL1
- User:Abernaki/Userboxes/taurus
- User:Alexlayer
- User:Rodan44
- User:Amyeis
- User:Didi Ooi
- Astrological symbols
- User:Alura
- User:Arrigolewis
- User:Steve Kroon
- User:Hippi ippi
- User:Onlyabititalian
- User:Kyace
- User:Dun
- User:Hawk27
- User:Chriselkins
- User:Fliptopsean
- User:Nenyedi
- User:Chrislk02/navubox
- User:Slickdeejay
- User:Cactus Guru
- User:Highfields
- User:Adsms
- User:RingtailedFox/About
- User:El-dodo
- User:GeneralIroh
- User:RusRayden
- User:Irish Pearl
- User:Ssolbergj
- User:Bobsaget85
- List of United States Presidents by date of birth
- User:Imasleepviking
- User:Dalmatian Mommy
- User:Age BBH
- User:Fluffball70
- User:GeneralIroh/Userboxes
- User:Planes&mustangs510
- User:Odhfan 01
- User:Eldestone
- User:Napoleon Dynamite42
- User:Dafatcat
- User:Saravanan07
- Template:User Zodiac Taurus
- Wikipedia:Userboxes/Zodiac
- User:Some Guy421
- User:Kanaukun/userbox
- User:Evershortofinfinity
- User:Vayne
- User:Peterm1991
- User:MusicMaker5376/Userboxes
- User:Cezarsab
- User:PwnyPatrol
- User:CortalYX
- User:InvertRect/Sandbox
- User:Ahmadiskandarshah
- User:Tarnishedessence
- User:Working for Him/Userboxes
- User:Drukai
- User:Vinch
- User:Broadwaygal
- User:MarkZettlemoyer
- User:Prydeful
- User:Kulim