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- Pope Alexander VI
- Robert B. Hawkins, Jr.
- David R. Morgan
- Duncan Black
- Italian Renaissance
- Joseph Nye
- List of Renaissance figures
- Parker Thomas Moon
- Contributions to liberal theory
- John Reinhardt
- Michael Doyle
- Paul Bew, Baron Bew
- Robert Jervis
- Santi di Tito
- Bamidele Ojo
- Wayne P. Steger
- Thomas A. Birkland
- William Stoughton (English constitutionalist)
- Giovanni Sartori
- Thane Gustafson
- Yossef Bodansky
- Samuel L. Popkin
- Tacitean studies
- Michael Thrasher
- Colin Rallings
- Alan Schechter
- Martin Wattenberg (political scientist)
- Thomas Wright Hill
- Walter F. Murphy
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson
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- George Tsebelis
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- Bertell Ollman
- Stephen Rosskamm Shalom
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- Robert Spitzer (political scientist)
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- Sir Michael Quinlan
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- Gary King (political scientist)
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- Shlomo Avineri
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- Clifford Orwin
- Erik Wilkins-Mckee
- Walter K. Andersen
- Michael Gallagher (academic)
- John Coakley
- Kenneth F. Warren
- David C. Rapoport
- Sami Nair
- Scott Sagan
- Hilail Gildin
- David Hansemann
- Alan D. Taylor