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Plato-raphael.jpg (246 × 262 pixel, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)

The two-dimensional work of art depicted in this image is in the public domain in the United States and in those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years. This photograph of the work is also in the public domain in the United States (see Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp.).
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The following pages on the English Wikipedia link to this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
- Ammonius Saccas
- Axiology
- Critical philosophy
- Copernican principle
- Demiurge
- Evolution of an idea
- Enchiridion of Epictetus
- Greek mythology
- Hold come what may
- Hold more stubbornly at least
- Irrationalism and Aestheticism
- Neutral monism
- Plato
- Platonic idealism
- Platonic realism
- Proclus
- Posthumanism
- Rhetoric
- Socrates
- Type (metaphysics)
- Analogy of the divided line
- Neoplatonism
- Extension (metaphysics)
- Heuristic argument
- User:Roadrunner
- Socratic method
- Chaos argument
- Theaetetus (dialogue)
- Sum of Logic
- Common element
- Hierocles of Alexandria
- Principle (disambiguation)
- Knowledge creation
- Metaphor of the sun
- Allegory of the cave
- Distributive justice
- Moral universalism
- Parable
- Finitism
- Gemistus Pletho
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- The Logic of Scientific Discovery
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- Den sidste Messias
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- User:Bronger
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- User:Humanoid
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- Moral community
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- School of Names
- Meme pool
- Repertorium der Nederlandse Wijsbegeerte
- Control paradox
- Critique of Dialectical Reason
- The Necessity of Atheism
- Twilight Club
- All and Everything
- Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am'
- Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man
- Explanation
- Earth immune system
- Natural order
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- School (discipline)
- Appeal to emotion
- Kennisbank Filosofie Nederland
- Indicative conditional
- User:Cadr
- Pluralism (metaphysics)
- Appeal to ridicule
- Association fallacy
- Existential dread
- Gynocentrism
- Ataraxia
- Hêdonê
- Symposium (Plato)
- Biosophy
- God & Golem, Inc.
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- Platonic epistemology
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- Closure (philosophy)
- Black box theory
- Shadworth Hodgson
- Justice as Fairness
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- Cognitive ontology
- The Form of the Good
- Ontogenetic realization of categorization
- Metaphysics of presence
- Sense data
- Subjective idealism
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- Omnibenevolence
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- Logicism
- Philosophy of copyright
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- Charmides (dialogue)
- Enneads
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- Platonic doctrine of recollection
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- User:Noizy
- Temperance (virtue)
- Experiential knowledge
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- Rhetorical criticism
- The Secret of Hegel
- Moral hierarchy
- Ethical subjectivism
- Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise
- User:Carlo.Ierna
- Conceptual definition
- Boyle Lectures
- User:Lisbk
- Prior Analytics
- Objective idealism
- Ramification problem
- Irenism
- Methodological relativism
- Property (philosophy)
- Public Opinion
- Ad captandum
- The Wall (book)
- Fallacy of division
- Fallacy of composition
- Peripatetic school
- Protagoras (dialogue)
- Rigorism
- Timaeus (dialogue)
- Practical Ethics
- User:Area51
- Conceptual framework
- Society for Philosophical Inquiry
- Darshana
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy
- User:Piotrus
- Preference utilitarianism
- Knowledge relativity
- Meno
- Evasion (Objectivism)
- Dual consciousness
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- Abductive validation
- Speusippus
- Subjectivity
- Methodology
- A Secular Humanist Declaration
- Logical atomism
- List of Star Trek characters
- Conceptualism
- Hard problem of consciousness
- Ring of Gyges
- Body-mind
- Science of Logic
- Theoreticism
- User:LHOON
- Benevolence
- Phallogocentrism
- Proteus (alchemy)
- Nature (innate)
- Homo faber
- Dynamic disequilibrium
- Static disequilibrium
- Near-equilibrium conditions
- The Second Sex
- Crito
- Relational theory
- Absolute theory
- Techne
- Kripkenstein
- Fundamental science
- Illicit major
- Illicit minor
- Minor premise
- French Pragmatism
- Human agency
- Eunoia
- Imagined communities
- Exclusion principle (philosophy)
- Qualification problem
- Iamblichus of Chalcis
- Fallacy of exclusive premises
- Converse accident
- Teaism
- Transcendental theology
- Socratici viri
- Cassius Dionysius Longinus
- Conceptual system
- Interculturalism
- Reasoning event
- Reasoning agent
- Porphyry (philosopher)
- Ethos
- Early modern philosophy
- 20th-century philosophy
- Renaissance philosophy
- User:Lwschurtz
- Nature (book)
- Moral imperative
- Moral obligation
- User:Kaelus
- Mind over matter
- Anti-authoritarian
- Apology (Plato)
- Parmenides (Plato)
- Phaedrus (Plato)
- Mathesis universalis
- A Grief Observed
- Proofs and Refutations
- The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
- Resistentialism
- Nothing comes from nothing
- Humanist Manifesto I
- Humanist Manifesto II
- User:Jenf
- Theological noncognitivism
- Human, All Too Human
- Holomovement
- Basic norm
- Sophrosyne
- Semantics of logic
- A Letter Concerning Toleration
- Socratic problem
- Problem of multiple generality
- Perfectionism (philosophy)
- Holarchy
- Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
- Rules for the Direction of the Mind
- Practicalism
- User:Astronouth7303
- Animistic fallacy
- Vitalism (philosophy)
- Endowment (Philosophy)
- Certainty
- Principle
- Pathos
- Neo-Cartesian
- The Aristos
- Plato's Four Cardinal Virtues
- User:Troels Nybo
- Myth of Er
- Moral nihilism
- Detachment
- Socratic dialogue
- Indexicality
- Moral psychology
- Patapsychology
- Russian philosophy
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
- Witness argument
- Janus: A Summing Up
- T-schema
- Biocentric individualism
- Gricean maxims
- Might makes right
- Mental property
- Index finger
- Immaculate perception
- Three Factors
- Consent of the governed
- Pluralized ego
- Value judgment
- Isvarakrsna
- Cognitive closure
- Ten Indian commandments
- Common man
- Infoanarchism
- User:Rodw
- Nishitani Keiji
- Agathology
- Summum bonum
- Self preservation
- The Sickness Unto Death
- Fitch's paradox of knowability
- Admissible rule
- Dictionnaire philosophique
- Anti-foundationalism
- Gorgias (dialogue)
- Lectures on the Philosophy of History
- American Philosophical Association
- Value of information
- Value of control
- Clarity test
- Derech Hashem
- Template:Philo-stub
- Prescriptivity
- Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
- Competitivism
- Entelechy
- Menexenus
- Universal science
- User:Kapnisma
- Doxography
- Prosperity
- Ontological reductionism
- Society for Advancing Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education
- Wagnerism
- Existential humanism
- Nirvana fallacy
- My Philosophical Development
- Through line
- Infosocialism
- Percept
- Anima mundi (spirit)
- User:Walshga
- Phaedo
- Body (metaphysics)
- Sarkic
- Weinberg's Law of Twins
- Utpaladeva
- Regulation of science
- Permission
- Critias (dialogue)
- Postpositivism
- Weltschmerz
- Pyrrhonism
- Laws (dialogue)
- Premodernity
- Ordinary and extraordinary care
- Naturalized epistemology
- Nos, Book of the Resurrection
- Euthymia (philosophy)
- Brute fact
- Linguistic idealism
- Res Extensa
- The Moral Society
- Creative Transformation
- Cartesian Other
- Cartesian Self
- Existential phenomenology
- User:Mark K. Jensen
- Neuromantic
- Nomothetic and idiographic
- Illusory correlation
- Eupraxsophy
- Voluntarian
- Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain
- User:Arzachel
- Interpretivism (legal)
- Human knowledge
- Noetic
- The Bounds of Sense
- Evolutionary ethic
- Declarationism
- Hannover Principles
- User:Jaguarundi
- Lonergan Institute
- Ontologism
- User:P.B.
- Genealogy (Foucault)
- Cosmic ancestry
- User:Yosofun
- Methodic doubt
- Fictionalism
- Russian cosmism
- Heaven and Hell (essay)
- Quiddity
- Discourse on Metaphysics
- Peritrope
- Berlin Circle (philosophy)
- User:Madmaxmarchhare
- One-sided argument
- Meta-rights
- Arab philosophy
- Die Freien
- Neo-Hegelianism
- Apology (Xenophon)
- First Alcibiades
- The Republic (Plato)
- Closure of Physics
- Primum movens
- Value pluralism
- Lysis (dialogue)
- Perlocutionary act
- Munich phenomenology
- Process and Reality
- Philosophy of Organism
- Delegate model of representation
- Informal fallacy
- Enlightened self-interest
- Law of the Infinite Cornucopia
- User:Sikandarji
- Introduction to Metaphysics
- History of Animals
- Generation of Animals
- On Memory
- On Length and Shortness of Life
- On Sleep
- Rhetoric (Aristotle)
- Philosophical theology
- Epinomis
- Cartesian anxiety
- Terminal value (philosophy)
- User:Venerable Bede
- Weak emergence
- Feminist existentialism
- User:Salva31
- Magna Moralia
- Natalism
- Inductionism
- Primacy of mind
- Exclusivism
- Noesis
- Noema
- Unity in diversity
- Self-Indication Assumption
- Method of focal objects
- User:Rune The Elf
- Direct experience
- The classical observationalist-inductivist account of science
- Plenitude principle
- Ion (dialogue)
- Memesphere
- Notion (philosophy)
- User:Nalos6
- Political Liberalism
- Dialectic of Enlightenment
- Master argument
- Linguistic turn
- User:Danielsmith
- Mind/brain identity
- Middle Platonism
- Experimental philosophy
- Deductive-nomological
- Language-game
- De Providentia
- Fallacy of misplaced concreteness
- Sentences of Sextus
- Interpellation
- Entitlement Theory
- Geist
- Post-positivist
- Epoché
- Verification theory
- Mental space
- User:Yce
- Existential theatre
- Morality and Human Nature, a New Route to Ethical Theory
- Knowledge ecology
- Philosopher king
- User:Moskvax
- Principle of charity
- General intellect
- Eikasia
- Intersubjectivity
- Biocentrism
- Logic in Islamic philosophy
- Relation of Ideas
- Matter of Fact
- User:RJC
- Theory of forms
- Integral ecology
- Idempotency of entailment
- London Positivist Society
- Mechanics (Aristotle)
- End of the world (philosophy)
- The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer
- Endoxa
- Dysteleology
- A Thousand Plateaus
- Anti-psychologism
- Pancritical rationalism
- A System of Logic
- Eupraxis
- Idealization
- Czech philosophy
- Prima materia
- When a White Horse is Not a Horse
- Last Thursdayism
- User:Saruoh
- Efficient cause
- Material Cause
- Formal Cause
Categories: Images of philosophers | Public domain art