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File links
The following pages on the English Wikipedia link to this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
- Plant
- Shoot
- Hypanthium
- Fern
- Accessory fruit
- Phycology
- Bast (biology)
- Tuber
- Radicle
- Twig
- Lignotuber
- Weed of cultivation
- Gall
- Archegonium
- Cork cambium
- Apical meristem
- Recalcitrant seed
- Corolla
- Follicle
- Lenticel
- Embryophyte
- Xylology
- Tendril
- Chloroplast membrane
- Pseudocopulation
- Woody plant
- Celastraceae
- Pappus
- Shibataea
- Fibre crop
- UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research
- Stipe (botany)
- Antheridium
- Forb
- Endodermis
- Plant physiology
- Lithophyte
- Husk
- Parijat
- Floral symmetry
- Fibrous root system
- Crescograph
- Tuberous root
- Subshrub
- Calyptra
- Bud sport
- Demulcent
- Sialagogue
- Cell sap
- Strobilanthes
- Plantae Asiaticae Rariories
- Symplast
- Cutin
- Virtual herbarium
- Head (botany)
- Chlorosis
- Phytochemistry
- Hapaxanth
- Somaclonal variation
- Open pollination
- Floral clock
- Pomology
- Tomentum
- Catkin
- Endocarp
- Storage organ
- Streptophytina
- Stolon
- User talk:Tannin
- Flora of the Marquesas Islands
- Elaeocarpaceae
- Justicia
- Cytorrhysis
- Rapid plant movement
- Wilting
- Phytotreatment
- Template:Botany-stub
- Endothecium
- Pericycle
- Murashige and Skoog medium
- The Power of Movement in Plants
- Alpine plant
- Pteropsid
- Urtication
- Polygamomonoecious
- Aphelandra
- Hiroshima Botanical Garden
- Cortex (botany)
- Calcicole
- Gemma (botany)
- Bolting
- Velamen
- Axillary bud
- Photoperiodism
- Cryptochrome
- Prehistoric plant
- Nicotiana persica
- Louisiana Tech University Arboretum
- Witch Brooms
- Tanada effect
- Wool alien
- Aquilaria
- Wikipedia:Reference desk archive/July 2005
- Delphinidin
- Therophyte
- Raunkiær system
- Nannen Arboretum
- Fort Stevenson State Park Arboretum
- Phytolith
- Composite variety
- Endogen
- Pyrena
- Storax
- Midrib
- Fasciation
- Myrmecophyte
- Vermont Experimental Cold-Hardy Cactus Garden
- Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Tree of Life/Archive14
- Cauliflory
- Gynoecium
- Androecium
- Zoophily
- Geitonogamy
- Phanerophyte
- Chamaephyte
- Hemicryptophyte
- Cryptophyte
- Phreatophytic
- Tetramery
- Podocalyceae
- Megistostigma
- Endospermum
- Glyoxysome
- Abscission
- Plant spore
- Aperture (botany)
- Ear (botany)
- Nastinae
- Qiongzhuea
- Stenospermocarpy
- International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- Cupuliferae
- Awn
- Plant Patent Act
- Acotyledon
- Pereskiopsis
- User:Fir0002/Fir0002 gallery/20D/Plants
- Quiabentia
- Phytosociology
- Rosette (botany)
- Eriodes barbata
- Infraspecific taxon
- Blood meal
- Floristics
- Protonema
- Nastic movements
- Coconut water
- Succubous
- Incubous
- Epicotyl
- Monandrous
- Plastochrone
- Ammoniacum
- Araroba powder
- Auxanometer
- Cajuput oil
- Cystolith
- Sarmentose
- Secund
- Senega
- Acanthus (genus)
- Herbal extract
- Florigen
- Hydathode
- Peppermint extract
- Aleurone
- Endarch
- Semilla de Jicaro
- Tip growth
- Viridiplantae
- Rubus strigosus
- Hydathodes
- Silique
- Jasmonic acid
- Monoicous
- Schizophyte
- Myrica californica
- Glochid
- Microsporangia
- Ovary (plants)
- Propagule
- Watsonia (journal)
- Hand pollination
- Abobra
- Nectar guide
- Allomone
- Pyoli
- Urceolate
- Glabrous
- Coriaceous
- Pennate
- Royal William (rose)
- Nectar (plant)
- Day neutral plant
- Zeatin
- Raphides
- Transpiration stream
- Substomatal cavity
- Systemic acquired resistance
- Pyrophyte
- Tiller (botany)
- Plant litter
- Ficus retusa
- Canavanine
- Euryale ferox
- List of plants of Pantanal vegetation of Brazil
- Mineral uptake
- Umbels
- Primordium
- Turgor pressure
- Java moss
- Transfer cells
- Buxbaumia
- Boreotropical flora
- Acephala Group
- Physalin
- Neopagstopetalum
- Gametangium
- Lateral roots
- Corokia
- Duke of Durham
- Sterile male plant
- Tetraselmis chui
- Undergrowth
- Cephalium
- Bine (botany)
- Heterophyte
- Coal forest
- Rohdea
- Brosimum
- Barleria
- Hemigraphis
- Ruellia
- Silver wormwood
- Bog violet
- Sport (botany)
- Vavilov Centre
- Polycarpic
- Sylvanus Wear
- Beta-Pinene
- Osyris
- Chrysin
- Basal shoot
- Cultigen
- Cornus alba
- User:Fir0002/Fir0002 gallery/canon
- Hydrochory
- Charpentiera elliptica
- South Carolina Botanical Garden
- Botanical illustrator
- Wax ivy
- Ranunculidae
- Terrestrial plant
- Aechmea
- Fosterella
- Bloodwood
- Leonurus
- Betonica
- Macleaya
- Browallia
- Sicyos
- Grewioideae
- Mendoncia
- Geissomeria
- Dicliptera
- Anisacanthus
- Hygrophila
- Poikilacanthus
- Orris Oil
- Thlaspi
- Tetraselmis
- Lepidagathis
- Lophostachys
- Anisodus
- Connaraceae
- Anemanthele
- Burr (fruit)
- Perfect flower
- Tagua nut
- Christensenia
- Western Australian Herbarium
- Unifacial cambium
- Pygeum
- Sporangiophores
- Mahua
- Malope
- Sidalcea
- Tricyrtis
- Schizanthus
- Tremandraceae
- Salpiglossis
- Erinus
- Lasthenia
- Nierembergia
- Ferraria
- Loasa
- Autonym (botany)
- Sarcotesta
- Sclerotesta
- Callichroa
- Escallonia
- Podolepis
- Cladanthus
- Humeocline
- Orobus
- Etiolation
- Toxicodendron striatum
- Eucharidium
- Nolana
- Lachenalia
- Tetratheca
- Hymenoxys
- Leptosiphon
- Martynia
- Craniolaria
- Polar auxin transport
- Lechenaultia
- Heliophila
- Poulsenia
- Philesia
- Scyphanthus
- Gynerium
- Hippocrepis
- Staurogyne
- Lophospermum
- Giardino botanico Clelia Durazzo Grimaldi
- Rodgersia
- Curly-leaf pondweed
- Lynn R. Lowrey Arboretum
- Gompholobium
- Toona australis
- Boquila
- Vigna lanceolata
- Lallemantia
- Ipomoea costata
- Corymbia opaca
- Black leaf
- Claire Hanley Arboretum
- Slime flux
- Astrocaryum
- Narcissus papyraceus
- Pandanus utilis
- Cyperus bulbosus
- Erythrina vespertilio
- Submergent plant
- Vasculum
- Exfoliation (botany)
- World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions
- Hesperolinon
- Petiole (botany)
- Ramification (botany)
- Pollen-presenter
- Streptanthus
- Legenere limosa
- Plant perception (physiology)
- Hemiphyte
- Dampiera
- Pinus cooperi
- Foliage plant diseases
- Fritillaria liliacea
- Ceanothus divergens
- List of British county and local bryophyte floras
- Colpus
- Flavedo
- Lateral meristem
- Mucigel
- Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift
- Tarhana herb
- False vivipary
- The Jepson Manual, Higher Plants of California
- Aechmea mulfordii
- Aglaia mariannensis
- Adventive root
- Phytosulfokine
- Seeds parachuting
- Snow crocus
- Sporeling
- Archaeophyte
- Wound tumor virus
- Baby Bio
- Oleosin
- Phytopharmacology
- Flore-pleno
- Australian Journal of Botany
- Supplementum Primum Prodromi Florae Novae Hollandiae
- Oldenlandiopsis
- Houstonia (genus)
- Cocoa pod
- Polylepis australis
- Baccharis linearis
Category: Images of nature