I am a final year PhD student in Computer Science advised by Prof. Robert West of the Data Science Lab (dlab) at EPFL in Switzerland. I am also a proud formal collaborator of Wikimedia Research. Previously, I spent close to five years in the industry working with the research labs of Xerox and American Express as a Research Scientist. Even before that, I graduated from the Computer Science department of IIT Kanpur where I was advised by Prof. Arnab Bhattacharya. In the spirit of letting the data speak for itself, I prefer using a tag-cloud derived from my paper abstracts to provide an accurate representation of my research interests. Additional details are available in my CV.
For those who prefer reading the good ol’ textual description, my research lies at the intersection of data science, machine learning, and natural language processing with an overarching goal of modeling human behavior in real-world Web-scale systems: drawing insights about how users browse the Web, seek knowledge, influence others, and get influenced by others to name a few. Specifically, I design machine learning and data mining methods for Web-scale data that manifests itself in the form of graphs or text.