Get Sponsored

You can make a difference!There are many ways to raise money for WOW, some more strenuous than others!
Serena Frisby and Arabella Smith raised money for WOW by doing a five mile sponsored rollerblade around their village. Serena had heard about WOW and wanted to be one of the first to hold a sponsored event to support SOS Children's work with orphaned and abandoned children.
You don't have to go halfway round the world to raise money for WOW (although you can if you want to!). Why not get together with friends to do a sponsored bike ride, swim or walk? Or you could host a party for friends in aid of WOW ... but whatever you do, make sure it's fun!
You see our WOW A-Z of Fundraising Ideas or you can download our PDF sheet of Fundraising Ideas.
You can also download a PDF of the WOW Sponsorship Form.
You can email for more details on how we can help you support SOS Children.