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Working with SOS Children

There are a number of ways of working with SOS Children, so please do contact us if you feel you can help. Unfortunately, paid opportunities do not come up very frequently, but perhaps you might be able to spare some of your time to volunteer?

Job opportunities

At present we do not have any vacancies in the main office in Cambridge, although we are recruiting for volunteer Regional Coordinators (see below).

Regional Coordinators

We have a number of vacancies for Regional Coordinators to help strengthen the charity’s regional presence. For more information about the position, please click here.

Volunteering overseas

In general we do not have opportunities for people to work overseas on our projects, as we try to employ staff in-country to make use of local knowledge and resources. In rare cases, voluntary placements for people with specialist skills (e.g. medical, accounting, IT) and who are available for a long period (minimum six months) may be possible. Please contact us for more information.

Volunteering in the UK

Although there are no SOS Children's Villages in the UK, and therefore no opportunities to work with children, volunteering your time is still very useful to us. We currently have a number of volunteers helping us in the Cambridge office, as well as remotely elsewhere in the country.

Depending on your skills, time available and location, you may be able to help us with proof-reading or editing of documents, acting as a local supporter or helping with web design. Please contact us if you're interesting in volunteering with us.

Contact us

If you are interested in volunteering for SOS Children or have skills or knowledge you think may be of use, please don't hesitate to contact us:

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