SOS Children's Charity: Spring 2006 Newsletter

A Letter from The Chief Executive
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Spring Edition of your SOS Children's World. We are delighted to say that we will be bringing you SOS Children's World four times a year now following many requests.
In this edition we are looking at the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and how, through your support, we continue to care for those affected by the disaster twenty years ago.
We also look at our community work in Africa and how 50,000 of those affected by HIV/AIDS are now cared for by a team of nurses and workers through their local SOS Children's Village and local community. Classic Response, a popular classical concert at the Royal Albert Hall on Easter Saturday 15 April will be supporting our work in Africa caring for children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Our partnership with FIFA is speeding up as the 2006 World Cup draws close with less than three months until the kick off! See how you can join our team for the '6 for 2006' campaign.
Thank you for your support of SOS Children - giving hope to children in need.
Best Wishes
Andrew Cates
Chief Executive of SOS Children UK