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Borage flower
Borage flower
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Boraginaceae
Genus: Borago
Species: B. officinalis
Binomial name
Borago officinalis

Borage (Borago officinalis or echium amoenum), also known as "starflower", (گل گاو زبان in Persian) is an annual herb originating in Syria, but naturalized throughout the Mediterranean region, as well as most of Europe, North Africa, and Iran. It grows to a height of 60-100 cm, and is bristly-hairy all over the stems and leaves; the leaves are alternate, simple, and 5-15 cm long. The flowers are small, blue or pink, with five narrow, triangular-pointed petals. It produces plenty of seeds and thus continues to grow and spread prolifically from where it is first sown or planted. In milder climates, borage will bloom continuously for most of the year.

Borage plant
Borage plant

The leaves have been found to contain small amounts (10 ppm of dried herb) of the liver-toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids: intermedine, lycopsamine, amabiline and supinine. They taste like fresh cucumber and are used in salads and soups especially in Germany. One of the better known recipes with borage is the Green Sauce made in Frankfurt. Frankfurter Grüne Sauce, as it is called in Germany, is made from seven herbs: parsley, chervil, chives, cress, sorrel, burnet and borage.

The flower, which contains the non-toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid thesinine, has a sweet honey-like taste and is often used to decorate desserts and dishes. If frozen into ice-cubes, the flowers become exotic drink coolers.

The oil that is extracted from the seeds (marketed as "starflower oil" or "borage oil") is a good source of gamma-linolenic acid.

Borage is also rich in oleic and palmitic acid, conferring a hypocholesterolemic effect. This oil, which has recently been commercialised, may regulate metabolism and the hormonal system, and is considered by many naturopathic practitioners to be a good remedy for PMS. Borage is also sometimes indicated to alleviate and heal colds, bronchitis, and respiratory infections in general for its anti-inflammatory and balsamic properties.

Detail of flower
Detail of flower
Herbs and spices
Herbs Basil · Bay leaf · Boldo · Borage · Chervil · Chives · Coriander leaf (cilantro) · Curry leaf · Dill · Epazote · Eryngium foetidum (long coriander) · Fennel · Holy basil · Houttuynia cordata · Hyssop · Lavender · Lemon grass · Limnophila aromatica (rice paddy herb) · Lovage · Marjoram · Mint · Oregano · Parsley · Perilla · Rosemary · Rue · Sage · Savory · Sorrel · Stevia · Tarragon · Thyme · Vietnamese coriander (rau ram)
Spices African pepper · Ajwain (bishop's weed) · Allspice · Amchur (mango powder) · Anise · Asafoetida · Caraway · Cardamom · Cardamom, black · Cassia · Celery seed · Chili · Cinnamon · Clove · Coriander seed · Cubeb · Cumin · Cumin, black · Dill seed · Fenugreek · Galangal · Garlic · Ginger · Grains of paradise · Horseradish · Juniper berry · Liquorice · Mace · Mahlab · Mustard, black · Mustard, white · Nigella (kalonji) · Nutmeg · Paprika · Pepper, black · Pepper, green · Pepper, pink · Pepper, white · Pomegranate seed (anardana) · Poppy seed · Saffron · Sarsaparilla · Sassafras · Sesame · Sichuan pepper · Star anise · Sumac · Tamarind · Turmeric · Wasabi · Zedoary

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