SOS Children's Charity: Autumn 2006 Newsletter
A Letter from The Chief Executive
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the World Orphan Week (WOW) edition of SOS Children's World. Unfortunately, we can only ever highlight a few of the thousands of projects worldwide which your generosity allows us to achieve. However, we welcome any feedback on what we choose to include in your newsletter.

WOW is the opportunity to talk to friends, family and colleagues about SOS Children. For more details about how WOW makes a difference, please visit
Highlighted in "Stop Press..." is our work in Lebanon which has been severely affected by the recent conflict in the region. We also focus on our children's village in Bethlehem which needs sponsors to support children affected and traumatised by the day-to-day effects of living in this area of conflict. Our national office in Lebanon has also been evacuated and children's villages have been cut off by damaged roads.
Thank you for helping us to give a future to children in need.
Andrew Cates
Chief Executive of SOS Children UK