Annual Review 2005
Summary of Accounts Year ending 2005
The table below is an extract from the financial statements of SOS Children’s Villages UK and do not represent the full accounts that were submitted to the Charity Commission. The statutory financial statements have been externally examined and an unqualified audit report has been issued. The annual accounts were approved by the Trustees on 14th August 2006 and have been submitted to the Charity Commission.
A copy of the full report and accounts is available on request from SOS Children’s Villages UK.
Mary Cockcroft, Chairman of Trustees

Auditors’ report to the Trustees of SOS Children’s Villages UK
We have examined the summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial activities and summary balance sheet.
Barclays Bank plc, Chesterton Road, Cambridge CB4 3AZSolicitors
Mills and Reeve,Independent Auditors
Peters Elworthy and Moore, Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2LA (as at August 2006)
CAF Cash,
Kings Hill, West Malling,
Kent ME19 4JA
Francis House, Hills Road,
Cambridge CB2 1PH
Respective responsibilities of trustees and auditors
The trustees are responsible for preparing the summary financial statements. Our responsibility is to report to you our opinion on the consistency of the summary financial statements with the full financial statements and the trustees report.
Basis of Opinion
We conducted our work in accordance with International Standards in Auditing (UK & Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board.
In our opinion the summary financial statements are consistent with the full financial statements and trustees report of SOS Children’s Villages UK for the year ended 31 December 2005.
Peters Elworthy & Moore
Registered Auditors
14 August 2006

For every £1 donated during the year to 31 December 2005, 86p was used to support projects and to provide sponsorship to children and villages. 14p was spent on the management and administration of the charity.